To confirm, you are filling this out because you want to get approved for 0% APR Business Credit Cards?
Can you give us the real deal about your business and finances by answering all the questions below truthfully? It'll help us understand how we can help you.
What is your current credit score?
If your credit score is 500-690, then schedule a call with our Credit Repair team here:
Do you have any negative marks in your credit profile?
If you currently have negative items on your credit profile, get with our credit repair specialist, so he can prep your profile for funding! Schedule your call here:
Our clients normally get funded in within 20 days, what usually slows them down is personal credit card debt.
What's your % Utilization?
If you combine all your personal credit cards total amounts, what is the total limit you have?
How much are you currently making from your business each month?
How much does your business need to get to the next level?
Select how much you realistically need
Banks use a rating system to judge your business's liquidity and financial health.
Even though they may not know the exact number, they use this rating system as guidance:
Almost Finished 🎉
Briefly describe your business, what do you do and
how long have you been in business? Describe Below!
Can you confirm that you'll be in a quiet location with minimal distractions and able to give your full attention during our Zoom call?
Let's Get You Funded🎉
Get Your Latest 3B Credit Reports For $1.99!
Before our call, we need to do a deep into your credit profile to see if you are qualified for funding. Please get your credit report by following the below link and provide us with the credentials.
Get Your Credit Report Now
Grant Us Access to Analyze Your Credit Reports
By sharing your Smart Credit credentials you agree to allow us to login, access and analyze your 3 bureau credit reports then contact you.